Committed To Provide Home Buyers High Quality Pre-Auction Building & Pest Inspections In Melbourne With Professional Building Inspector Advice & Excellent Service.

New Construction Home Inspection
Ensuring Your New Home Is Being Built To All Relevant Standards.
New Home Inspection & Construction Stage Inspection
Our skilled team of licensed building inspector will help you throughout the entire construction process, starting from the beginning. PR Inspect specialises in inspecting construction sites during the building process, new home inspection before purchase, and ensuring quality control of new construction home. We offer professional property inspection services in Melbourne. We conduct building inspections for clients who are building new homes or properties.

Securing your Investment & Happiness.
New Home Inspection During Construction Stage
Initial phone conversation with the client to understand their building contracts and negotiations with the builder and some preliminary construction details like designs, improvements and timeframes.
We carry out building inspections for you and identify defects of the builder’s work in accordance with Australian Standards, VBA Guidelines, Manufacturer Installation Guide and Construction Practises.
This comprehensive regime of construction inspections allows us to make sure that our customers are happy with their building process and get the house constructed as per the requirements. It stops builder cutting corners, arguing back and forth, misunderstandings, misinterpretations, disputes between builder and client and on top of that keeping customer happy with their investment.

Construction Stage Inspection
Slab Stage
Slab level inspection to check the intricate details of house foundations of piers, footings, slab layout, steel layout for slab and beams, plumbing layout, Termite Barrier Installation Part A, Foam work and many more items that are going to form the foundation of your dream home and will not be visible to naked eye post construction.

Construction Stage Inspection
Frame Stage Inspection
Frame Stage Inspection to check the defects of your house frames mainly about the structural integrity of the installed house frame for vertical plumb, top plates, bottom plates, straightness of wall framing, Noggins, connection of frame with ceiling frame and other building components, ties, trusses, columns, beams, lintels, door and window openings, nailing, kinking, compliance with designs, standards and guidelines, Installation of Termite Barrier Installation Part B, Service penetration and many more items that form the skeleton of your dream home.
Construction Stage Inspection
Lockup Stage
Lock up stage inspection are to check the defects associated with Brickwork, Roofing, Fascias, Services like plumbing, Electricals, Data Cabling, Door and Window Installation, Gutters, Drainage, Noncompliance With Various Standards of Brickwork, Roofing, Gutters, External Wall Components, Insulations, Damp Proof Course, Weep holes, Articulation or Expansion Joints, Flashing, Fascias, Rendering, Sarking and many more items.

Construction Stage Inspection
Fixing Stage
Fixing Stage is to ensure the fittings and fixtures installed before the final paint makeover. Doors and window fittings, architraves and skirting fittings, plasterboard installation for straightness, plumb, right angle, joints, smoke alarms, ceiling installation, services installation of plumbing, electricals as per plans and contract, down pipes, staircase, balustrade installation in compliance with standards and guidelines.
Construction Building Inspection
Handover Stage or Practical Completion Stage
At this stage, the builder has completed most of the works for your new construction home and, is ready to hand you over the keys. It is critical to inspect the house at this stage to maker sure that the final finish is as per standards and guidelines, as well as your expectation as per contracts and negotiations with the builder. Final handover inspection checks for completeness of all items, installation of all joinery, plant and equipment, final paint finish, final floor finish, final plumbing and electrical connections, down pipe connections, ground levelling, service connections, Durable notice in meter box for Termite Barrier Installation, Ceiling, Roof, Insulation, Safety checks, Smoke Alarms, NBN boxes, site landscaping, ground drainage, fixing of defects from previous inspections, Final external finishes, Final Façade finishes, garage doors, check all rooms as per specification in drawings for installation of building components, check for compliance with standards and guidelines for all building components, Handles, Locks, Handrails, Towel Racks, Toilets, Bathtubs, Showers, Shower Screens, Tiling, Carpets, Floorboards, Brickwork, Brick wash and many more items.