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What You Need To Know About Your Building Inspections?

  • By PR Building and Pest Inspector
  • December 2, 2022

A building inspector is an individual who is having an expertise in building, residential homes and commercial properties. They make sure that the building or property you want to buy or sell are according to necessary standards and regulations. It is also their part of work to validate the workmanship of the owner or salesperson and to identify any problems or defects. While regulations vary from location to location and state to state and Australia follow strict guidelines for that. If there are some variations in the terms and condition individual have to answer legally for those.

A building inspection can be carried before buying or selling any property to ensure builders are complying with the correct standards. Residential and Commercial structures need a thorough building inspection to ensure safety.

If you do not know what to look for, and not all building inspectors are equally created, finding a great building inspector can be a daunting task. There are 8 things to consider when choosing an inspector for the building.

Roles Of A Building Inspector

The 3 main roles of building inspector include:

  • Issuing building permits before the construction start
  • Overseeing the inspection process from start of building construction till finish
  • Certifying structure and plan compliance with the corresponding building regulations

It is building inspector responsibility to make sure a building is safe, and free from structural defects and genuine information is provided to the owner. They are expected to identify any type of defects, damages and pest problems and offer a dilapidation report with resolution.

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PR Building & Pest Inspections Melbourne

Specific Tasks Can Include:

  • Interpreting building structure, and plan properly
  • Inspecting defects, materials with respect to age of the property
  • Estimating time and predicting approximate costs
  • Gathering data via new technology instruments
  • Helping architects, managers and surveyors with organising and planning.

Types Of Issues Uncovered In An Inspection

Depending on the age of the property there are various types of issues which can be seen in complete building inspection report.

Structural issues: a building with structural defects including roof, walls, flooring, or foundation which poses the risk of collapse and injuring anybody within proximity of the building.

Wiring and electrical concerns: this is another important issue telling if building has the right amount of functioning smoke alarms to accurately detect smoke in the event of a fire.

Identifying hazards: this could mean identifying gas leakage, water damage or a number of other hazardous materials.

Wear and tear: more common with older, or poorly constructed builders, these types of defects are usually uncovered in a pre-house purchase inspection.

What Is The Purpose Of Independent Building Inspections?

  • A building inspection let you understand the complete information of the house before purchase.
  • A building inspection checks structural defects and pest, if any.
  • A building inspection also provide information about all major and minor defects.
  • Building Inspections can expose all the hidden defects.
  • Independent Building inspection reports can help to negotiate the price of a property based on the exact condition of the property.

Types Of Building Inspections Reports

Building inspections give an expert’s view of the current condition of the property. Aside from pre-purchase building inspection reports, here are the other types of building inspection reports:

  • Special–purpose property reports
  • Pest inspection reports
  • Pre-sale (vendor) building reports
  • Asbestos reports
  • Swimming pool compliance certificates

These are the things you need to know about your building or property inspections. If you are planning to buy or sell any property you can contact PR building and pest inspection experts who will offer you with genuine services with their expertise in handing these reports from past 10+ years. You can also call PR at 0488 663 440 or contact them directly at office address at 19 Brentwood Drive, Werribee 3030. Here is email id for any queries related to building inspection info@prinspect.com.au


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